Blog Archives

Movie. Or not.

As we move into the next round of Toxic Bag projects, here’s some stuff I’m thinking about: This is a Good Time To Make Movies is a great look at where indie film is, by Noah Harlan. And Jane Kelly Kosek at All About Indie Filmmaking is considering four-walling a new film…
And then there’s Kevin Smith and Red State and his People’s Studio idea, which hopefully will not turn out like the Beatles’ Apple Corps experiment. (I have no idea if Mr. Smith is serious about this or not. It may just be part of the “what if?” theme of his blog post.)

We’re not sure what form our next project will take. Will it be a short, a feature, a web series? How will we shoot it, how will we fund it, how will we distribute it? We hope to have some answers soon. You’ll be the first to know.

Out of office memo

Next week I’m going to be in tech for Measure For Measure, and I’m not sure how often I’ll be posting. In the meantime, please visit some of the other blogs over in the sidebar. For those of you who are minded towards politics, media, science or religion, I direct your attention to CyberINK, my mother’s new blog.

Have a great week if I don’t see you!

Spam of the Day

On Wednesdays we read your letters

In response to my Bachelor’s Grove video shoot post, some porn spambot posted:

The ghost bag has a scary ghost face with green eyes, and a red nose that lights up.

I can’t begin to tell you how much I love that. Thank you, porn spambot!

#apollo: twitter theatre

Much as I loathe people texting in theaters, I thought this was kind of cool: a theater in Portland invited audience members to twitter about the word premiere of their play, Apollo, in real time during the performance. Reading through the log of twitter comments from the show is fascinating, though I wish I’d seen the show…or do I? I kinda enjoyed just reading the feed and imagining.

It’s amusing, though, to see the real-time (and conflicting) reactions to the play’s choices:

msalt: #Apollo Wake up little Susie for Sputnik, good choice.

ladyfriend: #apollo Oh God… “wake up little susie” AND Bobbie Sox? Is there no less tired way to get across the idea of 1957??

Gimmicky? Yes, but as social media and portable data devices become more and more a part of our lives, I think we’ll see a lot more experimentation with incorporating them into theatre pieces.

thanks to Maryann Devine

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